However, It Costs Twice As MuchTo Ceate A Good Image -- When An Existing Bad One Must First Be Eradicated!" JOSIE CORY Publisher/Editor of Television International Magazine This Weeks
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- A new face for the largest An
Actor once made. . . a fortune as the man with a
thousand faces. -----The
creation of many characters was his stock in trade.
But unlike that actor, it is an accepted fact among
the "image builders," a corporation profits most by
presenting just one "face" or identity. To a large
extent, a corporation's success is a result of the
impression it makes on people -- whether they be
the general public or other business people. The
aggressive competition that is being waged today
for the public's time, attention and business makes
it essential for a company to present a uniform
identity, and continuity, to make an effective
impression on the public. -----
impression that the Hollywood television and film
industry, which produces a majority part of all
programming for the world wide television and
motion picture theater audience, stamps on people
is its corporate image and corporate personality.
The word "imagination" stems from "image" as a root
word. In a similar manner, the corporate
imagination of the television/film industry . . .
its basic drive or success consciousness is
reflected directly in the industry's corporate
image. There's
little doubt that the term -----
corporate image approach can't be confined to one
individual company's public relations or publicity
department. It not only involves top management; it
must begin with top management and more likely in
today's corporate executive, the CEO, in the case
with the Disney/ABC Company, Michael Eisner. As a
philosophy, it holds that every industry must have
a concept of itself -- hammered out by the brass.
Rather than just, a vague feeling that the industry
exists to make a profit by turning out a salable
product for 365 days per year, that garners a
worthwhile rating for a sponsor and the
studio. ----The
communication business of which the television/film
industry is part of, can never avoid creating a
corporate image -- but it can choose the image it
wants to create. Take for example, the Dot.com
industry image was based on the hullabaloos about
its customers paying billion of dollars for
Internet connections. The corporate image was built
on watered stock sales to the "sucker market",
which for the purpose only known to Times/Warner,
became the sibling to AOL. Nevertheless, the
Dot.com image will never be forgotten -- the growth
was phenomenal, it gave every household around the
world a chance to become a member of the free
enterprise system, like Times/Warner, Enron, Global
Grossing and WorldCom -- "it's free to get in and
free to get out" - just hock the farm. Building
an image costs money, -----
television, film and Internet world needs an
effective and sensitive public relations arm . . .
if it wants to avoid being smothered by the Show
Biz stereotype marketing strategies and renew the
appreciation of its significance and power.
direct knowledge of what the corporate image really
conveys, the television and film industry can never
be sure of the consideration that the viewing
public is giving them and its programs . . . while
they are making important decisions on plans that
involve the public . . . and future sales. A glance
at business history reveals that complacency, blind
faith in tomorrow and "let the future take care of
itself" thinking has wrecked many an
industry. -----
a "positive image" the Hollywood television and
film producer and its various forms of Societies
created to protect Hollywood, the tax collector and
foreign imports -- can fulfill his total
responsibility, not only to the viewing public, but
also to his conscience. -----
Thyself," the Delphi Oracle proclaimed centuries
ago. And to which Alexander Pope added . . .
"Presume not Deity to scan, the proper study of
mankind is man." To which we briefly add, "Know Thy
Image." One
last note on a new face, Center
Page -----
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