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Digital Hollywood-Oct 27-30
The Crash of 2008

TCS 4503-06-Ending Credits
Troy Cory Show 4035-03 Song "Una Paloma Blanca" Rosemont

TCS Show Changes Every Friday at 11:30PM"
DVB-T - WiTEL Broadcasting - Dr. Hoff


imagestvinews/1956tvinewsR1083w.jpg/2004tvinewsR1083w.jpg/2005tvinewsR1083w.jpg/2006tvinewsR1083w.jpg2007tvinewsR1083w.jpgimageskudoads/2008tvinewsR1083w.jpg STRETCH YOUR . . . Video Image . . . With TVInews








































































































































































































































































• This Week FALL ISSUE


Click for 40th tviNewsEdition - October 2008
10b - Short Selling, The Payoff Game - on Wall Street
The Crash of 2008
Digital Hollywood-Oct 27-30
Google's World ofWiTel
10f - Google Yahoo Deal on Hold.
10e -Why Do You Believe
Google - 10 years Later - gPHONE
• Africa plans to purchase NBS WITEL™©® effects
Apple Settles "backdated option awards"
WiTEL Quality Control Service
MCI Founder of - AT&T vs MCI Fame Dies.
Google g1Phone Unveiled on Sept. 23rd.
Copyrights: Walt Disney. Whose Mouse Is It?
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20 SECTION TWO - CLICK FOR tviMAGAZINE Updates / • The Crash of 2008

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NBS WiTEL/ Deiter Hoff
TCS 4501-02 Terry Bulger

TCS Transfer of WiTel Title:

///- was80% now20% / test 120p

Person of the WEEK

• TCShow • Beijing • GoodYear Blimp
Person of the Month - 2004-2008

Broadcasting - Dr. Hoff

No More MicroSoft Monopoly in the EU

/00SideBar00pSep46w.jpgMORE RELATED HEADLINES:

Sept Update: Public Safety Airwaves Up For Sale 2009

Click for Print NewsEvents - s-2008

• Google's CEO, Eric Schmidt & Chrome and the Yahoo AdDeal
•Africa plans to purchase NBS Wireless Telephone™©® effects.
Public Safety Airwaves Up For Sale 2009 price reduced by 42%
The U.S. Bill of Rights. Is the 5th Amendment a Dead Law?
A.C. Lyles, the World of Paramount Studios

"Beijing - 20 Years Later - 1988 to 2008"
The Chinese Goodyear Blimp over Beijing
PR China Consul General, Zhang Yun gives eulogy - Dr. Jordan Phillips
Settling the WIFI@5 $Billion WiTEL Controversy.
Google to buy Russian Ad firm for $140 million
Nextwave Sells WiTEL Spectrums to T-Mobile Picks For $98 Million
Blame Wall Street Not the Farmers, Arabs, or China
Verizon Wireless • FCC Gets $19Billion • Kevin Martin
"Finding The Trick Pony" to Monetize USPTO Symbols
Sprint Buys Into The World of the Wireless Telephone®™
Click For More About - China Leaders








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COVER - July / Carlos Slim Helu

NEWS - 33rd Week - Aug. 1, 2008
COVER - August / Dr. Dieter Hoff

NEWS - 38th Week - Sept. 1, 2008
• COVER - September / Eric Schmidt

NEWS - 43rd Week Wed. Oct. 1, 2008
COVER - October / Sergey Brin



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72SergeyBrinpow0405p46w.jpgNEWS - October 6, 2008
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NEWS - 47th Week October 27, 2008


/Imagescustomers/DigitalHollywood108w.jpgA Josie Cory,,Gary Sunkin; Victor Cab Report. Digital Hollywood Santa Monica, California
October 27-30

NEWS - 4308 October 2008

10a / 10b - Short Selling, The One Satisfaction Rule Payoff Game - on Wall Street. Short Selling, Insuarnce and credit swaps Elements of Fraud /Credit-default swaps, conceived by bondholders, allow investors to buy protection against a company defaulting. As the market expanded, speculators started using them to bet on a company's creditworthiness. The contracts pay the holder face value for the underlying securities or the cash equivalent should a company fail to repay its debt.
••• Though it grew a hundredfold in the last seven years, total outstanding contracts in credit-default swaps are dwarfed by other derivative markets, including those that bet on interest rates. Those markets had contracts linked to about $465 trillion as of June 30, the International Swaps and Derivatives Assn. said.
••• The joint probe announced Monday will also examine allegations of insider trading, market manipulation and other forms of fraud, according to a second person.
••• Cuomo and US probe credit-default swaps The probe seeks to "determine whether any federal laws have ... an earlier inquiry by Cuomo's office, US Atty. ... Cuomo has been probing alleged manipulation of credit Business | October 21st, 2008

imagestvinews/googlesWiTelworld108w.jpg Google's World ofWiTel - The WiTels®™©) device, which will run on Google's new Android operating system, will go on sale for $179. A mass-market device with a sharp touch screen and slide-out keyboard that brings the experience of mobile Web surfing closer to that of a personal computer. MORE STORY ABOUT gPHONE

Google - 10 years Later 1998 - 2008 - • Google's World ofWiTel - The WiTels®™©) device, -- will go on sale for $179. MORE STORY ABOUT gPHONE

Google - 10 years Later 1998 - 2008 - Sergey Brin Speaks / MORE STORY ABOUT gPHONE

10e -Why Do You Believe?
•••A new study out of Northwestern University, starts to provide data and insight into what Marx was getting at -- not if there is a God and not whether it makes sense that humans should believe, but simply why humans believe - CLICK FOR MORE BIBLICAL STUDIES.

10f - Google Yahoo Deal on Hold. The partnership is under scrutiny by the Justice Department.
••• On October 4, 2008, Yahoo Inc. and Google Inc. agreed to delay an Internet- advertising partnership while U.S. regulators investigate whether the deal would hamper competition. - CLICK FOR MORE Google Story.


660-WallStreetCrash108w.jpgThe Crash of 2008
10a - One Satisfaction Rule Payoff Game - Q&A
• How much foreclosure relief will Borrowers get from bailout plan?
•••It all depends on the "IF" answere: WAS AN INSURANCE COMPANY INVOLVED. Was insurance $$ part of the Payoff. - CLICK FOR MORE BAIL-OUT GAMES

10b FICO The Credit Rating Agencies - Fraudulent FICO SCORES
•••In D.C., a few congressmen blame Benchmark firms for financial crisis
Congress had a big hand in oversight failures and deregulation, in part through a philosophy of reducing government's role. Rep. Waxman begins hearings today - MORE FICO STORY.

10c - Fipping Real Estate Is Illegal. ScamMers of Deeds of Trusts in California were involved high-end house flips on Wall Sreet usesing Deeds of Trust.
•••Lehman Bros. Bank, which last month spiraled into bankruptcy amid the nation's deepening financial crisis, and another lender, RBC Mortgage Co., lost about $42 million on the loans. - MORE FLIPPING STORY.

10d - BackDatingFraud. Former McAfee, Inc. lawyer is acquitted in stock options backdating trial
•••Kent Roberts, who served as the software maker's general counsel until he was fired in 2006, was accused of tampering with grants to increase his shares' value by $200,000. CLICK FOR MORE BACKDATING STORY.

2007b BofA settles privacy lawsuit. Who's next -- American Express? CLICK FOR MORE STORY

10e -Why Do You Believe
•••A new study out of Northwestern University, perhaps without really meaning to, gets at something much more interesting. It starts to provide data and insight that add to our ability to understand what Marx was getting at -- not if there is a God and not whether it makes sense that humans should believe, but simply why humans believe. CLICK FOR MORE 4308 STORY

• 10fGoogle Yahoo Deal on Hold. The partnership is under scrutiny by the Justice Department.
••• On October 4, 2008, Yahoo Inc. and Google Inc. agreed to delay an Internet- advertising partnership while U.S. regulators investigate whether the deal would hamper competition. CLICK FOR MORE 4308 STORY

The 10th Anniversary of Google. October marks the Beginnings of the Browser War & Chrome's Shiny Features
The Los Angeles Times reported, "if Explorer and Firefox are the Toyotas of browsers, Chrome is the sporty Mini Cooper."
Chrome's developers promoted it as a speedier, safer and more reliable way to navigate the Web that will give consumers more and better options. Chrome, in the works for about two years, was first tested on thousands of finicky Google employees -- including co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. CLICK FOR MORE STORY

/Imagesbookcovers/610721883644046Ts.gifFCCSafetyAirwaves Public Safety Airwaves Up For Sale 2009
•••FCC -- Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin J. Martin proposed putting a nationwide swath of public safety airwavwes up for sale again after cutting the minimum price by 42%. CLICK FOR MORE STORY

GoogleYahooAdDeal Google's CEO, Eric Schmidt will pursue Chrome and the Yahoo AdDea

Apple Settles "backdated option awards"
•••Apple Inc. settled a lawsuit claiming that company directors and managers, including Chief Executive Steve Jobs, lied to shareholders about how they backdated option awards to maximize personal profit.
U.S. District Judge Jeremy Fogel in San Jose tentatively approved the settlement of the so-called derivative lawsuit brought by Apple investors on behalf of the company against directors and officers for breach of corporate duties, said Fogel's clerk, Christian Delaney.
Cupertino, Calif.-based Apple said last year that it backdated 6,428 stock-option grants issued from 1997 to 2002. Apple investigated the backdating, found no misconduct by Jobs, and recorded $84 million in charges to correct its accounting. The Justice Department in July closed its criminal probe of Apple and its executives over backdating. MORE STORY

lopers promoted it as a speedier, safer and more reliable way to navigate the Web that will give consumers more and better options. Chrome, in the works for about two years, was first tested on thousands of finicky Google employees -- including co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. CLICK FOR MORE STORY

/Imagesbookcovers/610721883644046Ts.gifFCCSafetyAirwaves Public Safety Airwaves Up For Sale 2009
•••FCC -- Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin J. Martin proposed putting a nationwide swath of public safety airwavwes up for sale again after cutting the minimum price by 42%. CLICK FOR MORE STORY

GoogleYahooAdDeal Google's CEO, Eric Schmidt will pursue Chrome and the Yahoo AdDea

Apple Settles "backdated option awards"
•••Apple Inc. settled a lawsuit claiming that company directors and managers, including Chief Executive Steve Jobs, lied to shareholders about how they backdated option awards to maximize personal profit.
U.S. District Judge Jeremy Fogel in San Jose tentatively approved the settlement of the so-called derivative lawsuit brought by Apple investors on behalf of the company against directors and officers for breach of corporate duties, said Fogel's clerk, Christian Delaney.
Cupertino, Calif.-based Apple said last year that it backdated 6,428 stock-option grants issued from 1997 to 2002. Apple investigated the backdating, found no misconduct by Jobs, and recorded $84 million in charges to correct its accounting. The Justice Department in July closed its criminal probe of Apple and its executives over backdating. MORE STORY

/ImagesNBS100/wtqca.com108w.jpgIs A Wireless Telephone Quality Control Service Needed? Consumers say Yes to WTQC and No to Violation of Cramming laws
••• AT & T buries customer rights are spelled out in their copyrighted 2,500-page 'guidebook'
•••Judging from the phone company's voluminous new online customer manual, if you have a problem with your bill, too bad, said WTQCA spokeswoman.
•• (Cramming)- ...Witteman said the online guidebook and ambiguous notification policy appear to violate a California statute requiring that consumers "be given sufficient information to make informed choices."
••••AT&T's service agreement is written in dense legalese and essentially gives the company as much latitude as possible -- while limiting customers' ability to seek redress.
••••"If you do not agree with the provisions of this agreement, your sole option is to cancel your services . . . within 30 days after receipt of this agreement," it says.
••••An analysis of the agreement prepared for PUC staffers found fault with a variety of AT&T's provisions, including this one: "You also agree to pay for all charges for services provided under this agreement even if such calls were not authorized by you."
••••The analysis said this "is in direct violation to cramming laws," which protect consumers from having unauthorized charges placed on their bills.
••Witteman said the online guidebook and ambiguous notification policy appear to violate a California statute requiring that consumers "be given sufficient information to make informed choices."
••••AT&T's service agreement is written in dense legalese and essentially gives the company as much latitude as possible -- while limiting customers' ability to seek redress.
••••"If you do not agree with the provisions of this agreement, your sole option is to cancel your services . . . within 30 days after receipt of this agreement," it says.
••••An analysis of the agreement prepared for PUC staffers found fault with a variety of AT&T's provisions, including this one: "You also agree to pay for all charges for services provided under this agreement even if such calls were not authorized by you."
••••The analysis said this "is in direct violation to cramming laws," which protect consumers from having unauthorized charges placed on their bills. (See Article 109AT&Tfraud.htm ) MORE STORY

MCI Founder of AT&T vs MCI fame dies.
•••V. Orville Wright Played Key Role in Breaking up AT & T, and was president and chief executive of MCI Communications during its transformation from a start-up into the leading challenger of AT&T in the 1970s and 1980s. He was 87.
V. Orville Wright wasa pivotal backstage figure in disrupting AT&T's virtual monopoly on long-distance phone service and communications technology.
As the company sought to break into AT&T's long-distance terrain, MCI chief executive, McGowan successfully pushed for the Justice Department to file an antitrust suit seeking to break up AT&T's Bell telephone companies. The 10-year battle resulted in one of the largest corporate reorganizations in history, the creation of seven regional operating companies, the "Baby Bells," in 1984.
(See Article 114Orville WrightMCIvsAT&T) MORE STORY

Google gPhone Unveiled on Sept. 23rd.
•••For those who have been anticipating the so-called Google Phone as if it were the next iPhone, the wait is almost over.
•••T-Mobile USA said Tuesday that it would unveil the much-anticipated mobile phone loaded with Google Inc.'s Android software next Tuesday at a news conference in New York. The G1 phone, which is being manufactured by HTC, won't be for sale until October. But expect T-Mobile to finally divulge some key details such as pricing.
•••T-Mobile is just the first carrier to market the phone. Other cellphone manufacturers and carriers are expected to dial for dollars using the Google brand as bait, but they apparently have hit some snags. The Android phone is being positioned as a rival to Apple's iPhone and Research in Motion's BlackBerry.
•••For Google, this seems like a no-lose proposition. The Internet search giant wants to make sure that all of its services, including its lucrative advertising, are available on all cellphones. So it created software for mobile phones that does that.
•••Pundits have been saying for years that the mobile Web will dwarf the nonmobile Web once enough people have access to so-called smart phones and all of the bells and whistles that come with them. Already Google is readying a store for downloadable mobile software similar to the one that has proved so successful for the iPhone.
•••Google showed off the handset at a developer conference in London on Tuesday.
•••Next week, Google and T-Mobile should start to reveal whether Android will live up to the hype. MORE gWiTEL STORY

Copyrights: Walt Disney. Whose Mouse Is It?
•••Today, title-card claims are no longer required. But when courts rule on historical copyright issues, they follow the laws in place at the time -- in this case, says Hedenkamp, the 1909 law requiring that the word copyright or its symbol be "accompanied by the name of the copyright proprietor" -- a rule scholars said means in the immediate proximity.
Disney legal advisors were not amused. General Counsel Louis Meisinger wrote back that it would be "inconceivable that any modern court would find any confusion about the identity of the proprietor of Mickey Mouse cartoons."

He even threatened Hedenkamp with legal action if the young scholar openly advanced such claims.
"With respect to your plans to otherwise promote these as being in the public domain," Meisinger added, "please be advised that slander of title remains actionable under California law for both compensatory and punitive damages."
Nonetheless, Hedenkamp let the genie out of the bottle, spelling out his arguments in the Virginia Sports and Entertainment Law Journal, a publication of the University of Virginia's law school. It attracted little attention off-campus.MORE STORY((See Article 109CopyrightMickyMouse)  

 ImagesNBS100/AfricaNBSWiTEL108w.jpgA South African Dynasty bids for rights to purchase and sell the NBS WiTEL™ WiFi and WiMax Wireless Telephone™©® effects throughout Africa.
The Kuumba Royal Dynasty group, which is bidding to purchase the 1908 RF300 WiTEL effects owned by NBS Wireless Telephone™©®, U.S. -- said Friday that they were on their first leg to look for suitors throughout Africa.
Daniel Amaonwu, spokesman for the NBS WiTEL organization, Africa, says, "thus far, the NBS Wireless Telephone™©® U.S. registered trademarks, copyrights and patent have been fully accepted, and will be honored throughout Africa."
African TeleCom executives are dismissing any ideas from both the U.S. and European bankers who say, "Africans are unqualified to run a Billion Dollar digital TeleCom business."
The African group has put forth "no substantive plan" for how the members of their Quality TeleCom Administration, or FCC equivalents will utilize the new WiFi, WiMAX effects of the Wireless Telephone™ throughout Africa. Amaonwu, said, "if they do it themselves, they'll do it with their own University Hi-Tech grads."
Daniel said in a email to the NBS WiTEL organization, "each African nation signing on, will do it, as if they were working within the U.S., following the guidelines established by the FCC, and the laws established by the 1905, U.S. Patent Office."

/ImagesNBS100/uscat5witelogo108w.jpgIs the 5th Amendment of the U.S. Bill of Rights a dead law? If it is still alive and valid -- then the property seizure of the effects of NBS WiTel™®© -- by various world governments -- should now be paid for. CLICK FOR MORE STORY.
But maybe a feature film like NBS FireWire or SecretKeeper is the wrong way to approach and educate the world on who really invented the Wireless Telephone™®© and how to pay him the $Billions of dollars for the patent, trademark, copyrights and its effects, "says says Melody Jensen, spokesperson for VRA TelePlay Pictures.
"The 100th anniversary of the WiTEL™®© invention could be described as an unscripted reality show with a new set of 'Key Words," and new players, like China, Nigeria, South Africa, Korea, etc. -- and not a movie," says Jensen.
"A TV reality show is still what I think would be closer to the mark for telling the Wireless Telephone™®© story and its enormous value in today's world of cell phones, and world leaders that want to get involved."
The proliferation and educational value of this form of entertainment having so whetted the American public's taste for truth telling, and to those officials that follow the FCC's annual auction sales that brings in $Billion of dollars from the RF-300 WiTEL spectrums. Look at what they're doing to the once "free analog waves." The 'not so free converter boxes' are replacing the analog antenna and FREE TV in February 2009."
Personally, I had my eureka moment when I read the Bill of Rights and original version of the WiTEL article several months ago, which states.
Feature Story / Settling the USC@5 $Billion WiTEL Controversy. The NBS100 Wireless Telephone®™ organization, like Google, Inc. -- let's people use the effects of it's goods, products, and services FREE. For decades, the WiTEL organization, like Google, pays itself back for the Freebies it gives out, by sharing the income derived from its name branded goods, and services within radio, movie and web content. CLICK FOR MORE STORY 






///end 124p of 20%

Click for Print NewsEvents - September 2008

/00SideBar00pSep46w.jpgMORE RELATED HEADLINES:

• Google's CEO, Eric Schmidt & Chrome and the Yahoo AdDeal
•Africa plans to purchase NBS Wireless Telephone™©® effects.
Public Safety Airwaves Up For Sale 2009 price reduced by 42%
The U.S. Bill of Rights. Is the 5th Amendment a Dead Law?
A.C. Lyles, the World of Paramount Studios

"Beijing - 20 Years Later - 1988 to 2008"
The Chinese Goodyear Blimp over Beijing
PR China Consul General, Zhang Yun gives eulogy - Dr. Jordan Phillips
Settling the WIFI@5 $Billion WiTEL Controversy.
Google to buy Russian Ad firm for $140 million
Nextwave Sells WiTEL Spectrums to T-Mobile Picks For $98 Million
Blame Wall Street Not the Farmers, Arabs, or China
Verizon Wireless • FCC Gets $19Billion • Kevin Martin
"Finding The Trick Pony" to Monetize USPTO Symbols
Sprint Buys Into The World of the Wireless Telephone®™
Click For More About - China Leaders

Click for Print NewsEvents - October 2008
Google's World ofWiTel
Google - 10 years Later - gPHONE
• Africa plans to purchase NBS WITEL™©® effects
Apple Settles "backdated option awards"
WiTEL Quality Control Service
MCI Founder of - AT&T vs MCI Fame Dies.
Google g1Phone Unveiled on Sept. 23rd.
Copyrights: Walt Disney. Whose Mouse Is It?

/TOP INDEX / Today's Puzzle? / Verify Notability

View Pages From MSU Archives About the NBS

W iTEL of Murray, KY, the birthplace of the Wireless Telephone™ wNBS-TV, and the RF300 Induction Coil187

The ITC TelePhony Report

Google Offers To Buy FCC Airwaves -- 2008 REFLECTING ON THE 1902 NBS / AT&T Airwave DEAL

102 - Dept. of Commerce Donates $1.5-Billion To Analog-Digital TV -- Who's Squawking about the Federal law that's replacing analog transmitting signals with digital ONLY -- on Feb. 18, 2009? MORE STORY .

  The NBS100 Nathan B. Stubblefield TimeLine - The Next Century of the Wireless Telephone is waiting for you! Get Ready for VATsIP 2008 -- the 100th year of the Wireless Telephone Patent and its Name -- MORE STORY

• A MacFarlane White Papers 4 Parts - MORE STORY

Wireless Telephone™ (U.S. Patent No 887,357)
(Click here to get your free copy of Stubblefield's U.S. Wireless Telephone Patent directly from the US Patent -

Wireless Telephone™ - WiFi- 187 - "The Movie"
Wireless Telephone™ - The History Page

RF-300.com - the WiFiMist - RFiD Organization - (RF-300.com = 300Ghz or 300 Billion RF Spectrums). CLICK FOR MORE RF300 STORY)

FollowUp Stories March / April / May

Refreshers / TODAY'S PUZZLE?

• INTEROP - April 27-May 2, 2008. The Leading Business Technology Event Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada. MORE INTEROP STORY

/ImagesPersonOfTheWeek/00coverofpowNew46w.jpgTroy Cory Show The NBS1908 Wireless Telephone "Bequest to TCS" - 7 min - Apr 6, 2008 - Related videos

TODAY'S LookRadio
VRA TelePlay News Feature
The NBS1908 Legacy "The Transfer of Title to the Wireless Telephone™"
The NBS1908 Legacy "The Wireless Telephone™ Bequest - Uncle Bernie"

23%23$$mmaarrttsitemaster2010/ImagesCSnews/CSNTCSBetteOsMontg46w.jpgTroy Cory Show Sam Butera Sings: Up The Lazy River VRA5100

Can't decide what the NBS1908 Wireless Telephone™ Patent is worth? Here's the deal! The new crop of Wireless Telephones™ arising from the world of Teléph-on-délgreen, Kentucky, are dizzying. But more dizzying is why, when and who owns the NBS1908 Wireless Telephone™ patent, and copyrights?" CLICK FOR MORE STORY

Did Former FCC / Chairman POWELL

109 SinTrends of Liechtenstein.htm
109 Metaphors Free Speech02

/Imagespeople/FTCcommitmentLogo46w.jpgThe Bunny Box. CTIA WIRELESS 2008, April 1-3, 2008. Las Vegas Convention Center. Sir Richard Branson, of Virgin Group will deliver the opening show keynote address at 9 a.m. on April 1 in the Barron Room at the Las Vegas Hilton.
The "Bunny Box" and "Femtocell" routers
"As more and more people drop their telephone land lines, every home or office will need an antenna tower somewhere around the premises, say Troy Cory, of TVInews.
The Wireless Telephone™ industry is facing a great RF pick-up challenge: poor Wireless Telephone™. Troy says, "a Prison Cell has about the same cellular coverage as most residences do." --CLICK FOR MORE STORY
Know the TidBits of History -- "Did You Know?" is the page for the eyes of teens. CLICK FOR MORE TIDBITS

5800-05wdrmc120w.jpgNextwave Sells WiTEL Spectrums to T-Mobile For $98 Million
T-mobile, U.S.A.'s No. 4 U.S. wireless carrier T-Mobile just picked up some more airwaves to use as it builds out its 3G wireless network across the States. The carrier just bought a chunk of spectrum from Nextwave Wireless for $98 million, RCR Wireless News reports. MORE T-Mobile Story

"Beijing - 20 Years Later - 1988 to 2008" "Knock, Knock, Who's There?" About China's Open Door Policy, and the 20 years it took to get the Olympics and recognition of its political place in History. Players: Troy Cory, Joey Adams, vp Al Gore, Josie Cory, Shanghai 1997. Troy Sings, Smooth Sailing. / A VRA LookRadio Movie VRA TelePlay Preview 4003 (9 min seg.) - LookRadio, S90tv, Yes90, tviNews, Smart90, D-diaries. Participants: WebPlay WebCast Rosemont Studios: Victor Caballero; A VRA TelePlay Preview; LookRadio Movies; RnB Plus, R&B plus Troy Cory Show with Ambros Seelos Orchestra. LookRadio Yes90 tviNews VRATelePlay WebPlay Smart90 nbs100 vratv xingtv CCTV DVB-T WiTel WiMax. For Full Production Participants:MORE LookRadio / YouTube / Beijing 20Years Later

/Imagespeople/aclylesstar46w.jpg A.C. Lyles, and his World of Paramont Pictures A.C. knows everything about Paramount Studios!
"He should -- he's been there over sixty years! After all that time, A.C. is now taking a well-deserved break from his film making activities -- by taking charge of Paramount's star studded archive folio. AC's first hand knowledge about the famous Hollywood Film Studio and the film stars that helped make the studio famous - encircles the world of AC. MORE ABOUT AC.

JordanPhillipsObitCov46w.jpgPR China Consul General - Los Angeles - China Expo 2008 and Guangzhou Sister City executives attend the Dr. Jordan Phillips, MD - Memoriam. CLICK FOR MORE STORY / Mary Phillips - Photos




  WHO'S READY TO BE the "Real" WIRELESS TELEPHONE®™ Company - Since 1908 . . . How Does $30-Billion Sound? #NBSWitelMay2008

The Funding of Future FCC Bids - to repurchase the seized RF-300 assets once owned by NBS1908, is a major concern for both the FCC and USPTO. That's why the Wireless Telephone®™ organization through it's NBS Family Trust aims to sell four blocks of its effects linked to its WiFi-187 Legacy assets holdings, now valued at over $30-Billion. CLICK FOR MORE STORY

The Year 2008 - THE 100th ANNIVERSARY OF THE Wireless Telephone®™ Click For More

What would Yahoo/Microsoft, Verizon or AT&T pay for the NBS1908 Wireless Telephone™. (See Patent -Trademark-Copyright, and 1905 Patent Laws! - CLICK FOR MORE STORY

  "Finding The Trick Pony" to Monetize the Certified USPTO Symbol ® / ™ / ©
What is the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office . . . for? The PTO or USPTO is the acronym for the government agency assigned to the U.S. Department of Commerce. The USPTO acts not only as a fiduciary agent for Congress and other government agencies pertaining to patent trademarks, and copyrights, but for the inventor and individuals granted Marks. CLICK FOR MORE STORY

September Updates:Public Safety Airwaves Up For Sale
2010/ImagesNBS100/GoogleNBSRFAirwaves46w.jpgThe Results of the 2008 FCC $19-Billion RF300 Auction Story
FCC -- Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin J. Martin proposed putting a nationwide swath of public safety airwavwes up for sale again after cutting the minimum price by 42%.
"The plan calls for a $750-million starting bid, compared with a previous minimum of $1.3 billion," Martin said. If the FCC approves the plan this year, the auction may start as soon as April," he said.
The airwaves, kown as the D-block, failed to draw the miniumum at the last auction in March. The D-block buyer was required to build a natniowide network that emergency personnel would share with commercial users.
FCC -- Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin J. Martin proposed putting a nationwide swath of public safety airwavwes up for sale again after cutting the minimum price by 42%.
"The plan calls for a $750-million starting bid, compared with a previous minimum of $1.3 billion," Martin said. If the FCC approves the plan this year, the auction may start as soon as April," he said.
The airwaves, kown as the D-block, failed to draw the miniumum at the last auction in March. The D-block buyer was required to build a natniowide network that emergency personnel would share with commercial users.

Verizon Wireless, the highest bidder in the multibillion-dollar sale of prime airwaves disclosed its plans for the wireless spectrum, and the most prominent loser explained why it was still a big winner. MORE FCC AUCTION STORY
Verizon Wireless, the highest bidder in the multibillion-dollar sale of prime airwaves disclosed its plans for the wireless spectrum Friday, and the most prominent loser explained why it was still a big winner.
A day after rules prohibiting participants in the federal government's online auction from discussing their strategies lifted, Verizon Wireless said it would use the new capacity to roll out faster wireless Internet service by 2010.
Verizon outbid Google Inc., paying $4.74 billion for one of the auction's biggest prizes, a coveted nationwide block of airwaves.
For Google, a company that's obsessed with auctions, the spectrum sale turned into a high-stakes exercise in gamesmanship. CLICK FOR MORE STORY
Verizon Communications Inc. Chief Executive Ivan Seidenberg said Friday that the $9.36 billion in total spectrum licenses won by the company's wireless unit, jointly owned with Vodafone Group, was "nothing short of a transformative opportunity for our company."
The parts it did land cost AT&T nearly three times as much per unit of spectrum than the portion Verizon bought. -- CLICK FOR MORE STORY

Imagespeople/kevinmartinphot46w.jpg People / Whose Kenvin Martin? On March 18, 2005, President Bush designated Kevin J. Martin as FCC chairman, to replace Michael K. Powell. President Bush renominated Martin to a new five year term on the Commission on April 25, 2006, and he was reconfirmed by the U.S. Senate on November 17, 2006. CLICK FOR MORE KEVIN MARTIN


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