32<2006/Images/back.gif imagestvinews/Tvi-ToDay-108x30w.jpg AUGUST 2019 Smart90.com Week- 32- 33-34-35 • TVI Vol. 63<

"Good Times" - Ambros Seelos Orchestra -The Troy Cory Show -tvi-contact75x15w.jpg tvi-Part-0175x15w.jpg<

ToDay's HeadLines
SIGGRAPH, LA Convention Ctr., July 28 - Aug. 1
Special Sneak Peek of Ken Burns' "Country Music" at the Autry
Remembering Monsignor Robert J. Gallagher
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101- Troy Cory, First American to perform
on Stage in China, PRC
101- Cory's Road to China





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< TODAY'S NEWS BRIEFS Preface> +001+++++++++


TVI News stories

115- SIGGRAPH, LA Convention Ctr., July 28 - Aug. 1
101- Ken Burns' "Country Music" documentary screens
at the Autry Museum

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<•> Index01

115- SIGGRAPH, LA Convention Ctr., July 28 - Aug. 1101- Ken Burns' "Country Music" documentary screens
at the Autry Museum on July 27.
114- Remembering Monsignor Robert Gallagher
115- The Munich Film Fest, June 27 - July 7
115- Movie goers select their favorite film from the festival program
115- The Munich Film Fest CineMerit Award Goes to Ralph Fiennes and
Antonio Banderas
115- MUNICH FILM FEST to honor filmmaker Bong Joon Ho
102- Facebook to launch its own currency in 2020
101- Troy Cory, First American to perform on Stage in China, PRC
101- Cory's Road to China
102- The Man History Overheard
101-Vine Street Video Center

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<•><•> Today's News Briefs Section

<• > <•> <•> Third Quarter

115- An annual melting pot for global ideas at SIGGRAPH 2019. By Gary Sunkin
•••• The 46th SIGGRAPH conference is taking place 28 July-1 August at the Los Angeles Convention Center, with an impressive slate of world-renowned speakers across computer graphics industries.
•••• SIGGRAPH has always been an annual melting pot for sharing global ideas. And, as the makeup of our community continues to diversify, I am proud that this year's conference -- once again -- offers a showcase of CG industries that crosses international lines," noted Conference Chair Mikki Rose.
•••• The conference is a five-day immersion into the latest innovations in computer graphics and interactivity, featuring advances in animation, virtual and augmented reality, games, 3D printing, machine learning, visual effects, artificial intelligence, ray tracing, mobile, and other cutting-edge technologies. With sessions that cover the latest research, hands-on demos that show what new technology can do, and thought-provoking talks by global innovators, speakers at SIGGRAPH are changing what's possible. Of those who will showcase work at SIGGRAPH 2019, highlights include: Victoria Alonso, Marvel Studios (U.S. - keynote speaker; panelist, "The Making of Marvel Studios' 'Avengers: Endgame'" Production Session)"
Click for More tviStory 115- An annual melting pot for global ideas at SIGGRAPH 2019

101- Ken Burns' "Country Music"docu film previewed at the Autry Museum
••• Special Sneak Peek of Ken Burns' New Eight-Part PBS Documentary Series 'Country Music' Featured Q&A with Producers, Live Music, Food Trucks And Dog 'Western Wear' Contest + Doggie Step and Repeat
KenBurns108w.jpg••• On Sat., July 27 from 5:30-9:00 p.m., The Autry, Los Angeles Times and Southern California's PBS Flagship organizations KCET and PBS SoCal hosted a special sneak peek of the eagerly anticipated upcoming eight-part documentary series COUNTRY MUSIC produced and directed by award-winning filmmaker Ken Burns. Over 1,500 guests enjoyed music from DJ Chris Morris as well as a live performance from Austin McCutchen and the Western Stars, food trucks and a "Western Wear" contest for dogs prior to the screening.  Ken Burns himself greeted the fans and introduced a 45-minute clip reel from the film followed by a panel discussion with Los Angeles Times Staff Writer Randy Lewis, Producers Dayton Duncan and Julie Dunfey. The panel was moderated by two-time Pulitzer Prize winning Los Angeles Times columnist Patt Morrison and the program was presented as part of the Los Angeles Times' Ideas Exchange conversation series.
•••• The new 16-hour documentary COUNTRY MUSIC will feature never-before-seen footage and photographs, plus interviews with more than 100 country music artists. Viewers will hear the remarkable stories of the people and places behind a true American art form as the documentary, chronicles country music's early days, from Southern Appalachia's songs of struggle, heartbreak and faith to the rollicking Western swing of Texas, California's honky-tonks and Nashville's "Grand Ole Opry." Much like the music itself, the film tells unforgettable stories of hardships and joys shared by everyday people. COUNTRY MUSIC premieres Sunday, Sept. 15 at 8 p.m. on PBS SoCal.
••••Guests included President and CEO of The Autry Rick West, President & CEO of Public Media Group of Southern California Andrew Russell, PBS Chief Programming Executive and General Manager, General Audience Programming Perry Simon, Chair of Corporation for Public Broadcasting's (CPB) Board of Directors Bruce Ramer and Los Angeles Times Chief Operating Officer Chris Argentieri.
Click Direct- The Autry
Click for More tviStory 101-s90- Ken Burns' "Country Music" documentary film.

115- Antonio Banderas receives CineMerit Award at Munich Film Festival
•••Actor Antonio Banderas who recently won the Best Actor trophy at last month's Cannes Film Festival for his performance in the Pedro Almodovar-directed film will be honoured with the CineMerit award at the 37th edition of Munich International Film Festival.
••••CineMerit Award is handed to outstanding personalities in the international film community for extraordinary contributions to motion pictures as an art form.
Click for More tviStory 115-sAntonio Banderas receives CineMerit Award at Munich Film Festival ••••

Imagespeople/GALLAGHER%20RIP200w.jpg Remembering Monsignor Robert J. Gallagher
A Memorial Mass will be held at St. Charles Borromeo Church, on Friday, July 26, at 7:00 p.m.


North Hollywood, August 2, 2018
Rev. Monsignor Robert J. Gallagher, Nov. 21, 1946 - July 26, 2018

• A People Priest
By Josie Cory

Monsingor Gallagher loved being a people priest. He was truly beloved and loved his parishes and high school ministry. He was also loved by many Archdiocesan committes he led as well as the man boards he was member of.

He passed away after a long battle with cancer, on July 26, 2018, at his beloved St Charles parish.

Msgr. Robert Gallagher was a native Angeleno, born on November 21, 1946. He went to grade school and high school at St. Genieve's in Van Nuys, California, where he was voted Student Body President. Bob always had a calling to be a priest noted Father Jose Magaña. He would play priest as a little boy setting up an altar. Throughout grade school and high school, Bob continually talked of priesthood. His parents encouraged Bob to go to a co-ed college before entering seminary. He went to one year of college at Cal State Northridge, and ended up at St. John Seminary in Camarillo, California. He was ordained a priest on May 26, 1973, in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles after attending St. John's Seminary in Camarillo and later got his Master's degree. He has told the family many times throughout his life how he loves being a priest. Monsignor Gallagher truly was a people priest. He was truly beloved and loved his parishes and high school ministry. He was also loved by many Archdiocesan committees he led as well as the man boards he was member of said Father José.

Associate Pastor

St. Josephe Catholic Church, Hawthorne, CA

June 1973-June 1977

Associate Pastor

St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church North Hollywood, CA

June 1977-July 1982

Associate Pastor

Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church,North Hills, CA

July 1982-January 1994

Teacher & Chaplan

Bishop Amat Hight School, La Puente, CA

February 1984-May 1986


St. Paul High School
Santa Fe Spring, CA

Sept. 1986-June 2000


St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church North Hollywood, CA

February 2000 - June 2018

Msgr Gallagher01.jpg

  • Vigil

•••• The day before the funeral mass, Wednesday August 1, a Vigil was held at St. Charles Borromeo, when fellow priests, family and parishioners had the opportunity to say a last goodbye to their beloved priest. His Eminence Roger Mahony told the audience how in the 26 month that Monsignor Gallagher was battling cancer he never heard a word of complaint and that he will be greatly missed. •••••••••••••••

Photo By: Brian D. Scott

Music Director James Drollinger addressed all who attended with his words of gratitude to and love for Monsignor Gallagher ending with the heartfelt "St. Joseph's Song" by Michael Card.
••• Father Jose Magaña spoke of the last few days in the life of Bob as he likes to refer to Monsignor Gallagher, and of his repeated wishes that he wanted to go "home."

 • Farewell
•••• On August 2, the faithful of St. Charles Borromeo Church turned out by the hundreds to say farewell to Monsignor Robert Gallagher, who served as pastor of the Catholic parish in North Hollywood for almost 20 years The service was conducted by the Rev. José Gomez, the archbishop of Los Angeles with His Eminence, Cardinal Roger Mahony, Archbishop Emeritus of Los Angeles, Reverend Alexander Salazar, Reverend Joseph Brennan , Reverend David O'Connell, Rev. Jeff Baker, Rev. Msgr. Peter Nugent and Reverend Jose Magaña, Pastor, in attendance. ••••••••••Photo By: Brian D. Scott
•••• Auxiliary Bishop Edward Clark, who delivered the sermon, said he had known Msgr. Gallagher for 53 years, going back to their time in the seminary.
•••• GallagherCarriedOut100w.jpgHe described Gallagher, as "very strong-willed, stubborn, opinionated… He liked things to be done his way but added, "he had a boundless ability to make friends and to maintain friendships."
•••• Sunlight streamed through the church's stained glass windows during the nearly two-hour service, warming the interior of the church that Gallagher helped renovate during his tenure at St. Charles Borromeo.
•••• Bagpipes played outside the church as Msgr. Gallagher's casket was placed into the hearse before being taken to Holy Cross Cemetery in Culver City for burial.

History of St. Charles Borromeo

StCharlesBorromeo150w.jpgSt. Charles Borromeo Church is a Catholic church and elementary school that serves the North Hollywood community in Southern California.

The church, a beautiful building depicting Spanish, colonial-style architecture, is located at Moorpark and Lankershim in North Hollywood, Los Angeles, California. It is one of the oldest parishes in the San Fernando Valley dating back to 1921. It has long been a parish with celebrity members and many celebrities that have lived in the Toluca Lake, North Hollywood, and Studio City communities served by St. Charles Borromeo.
Hollywood connection

St. Charles Borromeo was the home parish of Bob and Dolores Hope, who lived a short distance from the church on Moorpark. In 1969, Bing Crosby, Loretta Young, Ed Sullivan, Ronald Reagan, Danny Kaye, Gregory Peck, Jack Benny, Danny Thomas, Dorothy Lamour and Spiro Agnew attended the wedding of Bob Hope's daughter, Linda, at St. Charles.
Click for More tviStory 114-s90-MonsignorGallagerRemembered
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About FILMFEST MÜNCHEN, June 27 to July 7, 2019
The Munich International Film festival (German: Filmfest München) is the largest summer film festival in Germany and second only in size and importance to the Berlinale.
•••• It has been held annually since 1983 and takes place in late June to July. It presents feature films and feature-length documentaries. The festival is also proud of the role it plays in discovering talented and innovative young filmmakers. With the exception of retrospectives, tributes and homages, all of the films screened are German premieres and many are European and world premieres. There are a dozen competitions with prizes worth over ¤150,000, which are donated by the festival's major sponsors and partners.
• Click Direct "Filmfest München"

115- Movie goers select their favorite film from the festival program to receive the BAYERN 2 AND SZ AUDIENCE PRIZE
•••• With 118 German premieres and 48 world premieres, FILMFEST MÜNCHEN 2019 is packed with exciting films that offer something for all tastes. But which film is the best of them? People are free to disagree -- or, better: they can vote. As in previous years, festival-goers can choose their personal favorite from among all the films competing. A trip for two to Venice will be raffled off among everyone who participates.
•••• The audience Award was presented for the first time in 2004, and since 2016 it is presented in collaberation by BAYERN 2 and the Süddeutsche Zeitung.
•••• The BAYERN 2 and SZ AUDIENCE PRIZE will be presented during the Award Ceremony, on July 6, at the Carl-Orff-Saal, Gasteig.
Winner: Der BAYERN 2 und SZ Publikumspreis
Regie: Waad Al Kateab, Edward Watts

Regie: Janno Põldma, Heiki Ernits
Click for More tviStory 115-s90- Movie goers select their favorite film from the festival

115- CineMerit Award for Ralph Fiennes
The British actor and director will be honored with FILMFEST MÜNCHEN's special award, the CineMerit Award. Fiennes will also participate in a Filmmakers Live! talk in the Gasteig's Black Box, at which fans and guests can pose questions of the Oscar-nominated performer.
•••••••Determined and gentle, rebellious and subtle: that's the tone of Ralph Fiennes' work as a director. His films, like his roles, point out life's contradictions.
Click for More tviStory 115-s90- CineMerit Award recipient Ralph Fiennes

115-Munich Filmfest to honour international filmmaker Bong Joon Ho
Bong Joon Ho is not only one of the most renowned international filmmakers of the moment but also the winner of this year's Palme d'Or at Cannes Film Festival. FILMFEST MÜNCHEN is honoring the 49-year-old South Korean director with a retro- spective in which the complete works of his nearly 20-year career will be presented.
Click for More tviStory 115-s90 Filmmaker Bong Joon Ho

102-Facebook to launch its own currency in 2020
•••• Scandal after scandal has chipped away at trust in Facebook and its CEO Mark Zuckerberg's public appearances communicated numerous times his willingness to take more responsibility for Facebook's power and to put users' privacy at the center of its products.
••••But when Facebook recently unveiled plans for a new "global currency" called Libra it did not convey modest ambitions.
Click for More tviStory 102-s90- -Facebook To launch its own currency

111th Anniversary of the N.B. Stubblefield's Wireless Telephone Patent -
Nathan B. Stubblefield's Wireless Telephone Patent
Nathan B. Stubblefield
Click for more- Ground Battery
Click for More tviStory 102-s90- Nathan B. Stubblefield, the Man History Overheard

2006/ImagesPersonOfTheWeek/01NBStubblefieldPOW108w.jpgWarnerNBSPromoLogo108w.jpg 102- Nathan B. Stubblefield, the Man History Overheard
By Harvey Geller
•••• In Life's current Bicentennial issue, radio checks in, at #86 on the hot "100 Events That Shaped America," 19 buttons behind Bell's telephone. Erroneously, Life lists Guglielmo Marcon's dots and dashes as the first wireless broadcast, a fable echoed by the World Almanac and Encyclopedia Britannica. It's a forgivable mumpsimus, since the evidence offered on the following pages has not, until now, appeared in any national publication.
•••• The birth of broadcasting is a bizarre soap opera saga, a lacrymal legend of mystery, machination, ephemeral enshrinement, decline, disillusionment and disaster. It's denouncement dissolves six miles north of Murray, Kentucky, in a two-room shanty constructed of pine and cornstalks, where radio's uncelebrated architect is discovered 48 hours after his death, his records scattered, his equipment destroyed, his brain partly eaten by rats. Even local radio fails to mention his demise. He is Nathan Beverly Stubblefield, the man history over-heard and then overlooked.
Click for Full Story Published in Warner Bros. Circular
Click for More tviStory 102-s90- Nathan B. Stubbblefield, the Man History Overheard

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More about Nathan Stubblefield

1908 0512 - PATENT GRANTED: Stubblefield's U.S. Patent, Number 887,357, All Purpose Wireless Telephone, Filed April 5, 1907, Granted May 12, 1908. / Click MORE STORY TO GO DIRECTLY TO U.S. Patent Office - (Patent Expires May 12, 1925) CLICK ANY IMAGE TO VIEW PATENT
Click for More- Nathan be Stubblefield

101-Vine Street Video Center






 Troy Cory Show Ambros Seelos

Troy Cory Show-VINE ST.Troy Cory Show-CHINA 

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Click For More Troy Cory Websites
MUSIC720 • troycoryshow.com/
mLABELS • troycory.com
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tc"Bio-PHOTOS • smart90.com/people/troycory.htm • <04> CHINA01 BBC • smart90.com/people/troycory
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+101- Cory Meets JiangZemin, former President PRC
• • Back in the 80s, as a goodwill ambassador representing the U.S.A., Troy Cory and his back-up dancers and singers, "The Brooke Sisters," were the first entertainers from the United States to appear in a full staged program in the People's Republic of China during the Shanghai TV Festival, and televised on China's National Television (CCTV), viewed by over 300 million people.• •
• • It was there Cory met Jiang Zemin, then mayor of Shanghai, and who later became the 5th President of the People's Republic of China.
The '88 Shanghai Concert was the beginnings of Troy's concert tours in China for the next two decades. The concerts, just to name a few, included the following cities: Shanghai, Beijing, Anshan, Harbin, Fuzhou and and Tsingtao (Qingdao)

Pasadena Show Case House 1990- the Cory Estate

101- Troy Cory, First American to perform on Stage in China, PRC


101- Cory's Road to China;

•••Troy Cory was among the first international entertainers and the first American entertainer to perform in the People's Republic of China, beginning in 1988. In itself a notable culture-historical feat, in view of China's closed door policies of the late 70s and well into the 80s. The PRC's administrative climate in comparison is much less restrictive now and China's open door policy enables many entertainers to introduce themselves to the populace Chinese audiences.
Click for MoreChina •• More TroyCory •• TroyCoryShow

Shanghai TV Festival
Troy Cory & The Brook Sisters


 <End of Part Two News>


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115- Automobility LA - Press & Trade Days, at the LA Convention Center, November 22 to December 1, 2019
- By Gary Sunkin





  • History: Founded in 1956 by ABC's Sam Donaldson and his partner Al Preiss and acquired by the Cory's in 1987.

    In April 1956 TVI debuted it's first edition with offices at 1580 Crossroad of the World, Hollywood, CA. In March, 1963, TVI hosted the first "Annual Festival of World TV Classics Award " at the Huntington Hartford Theater. Since 1956 TVI grew to command the print readership of television network executives in 142 countries on six continents, covering the industry of television, film, telecommunication and WiTEL. In the middle 90s TVI Magazine went online: tvimagazine.com

Publisher/Editor: JosieCory.com • iPublisher: TroyCory.com


. . . "People read what they want," says tviNews. "There is no master plan what people are interested in." The question is, how can we partner with people to have a symbiotic realationship?



^AlPreiss108w.jpg ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Images03/^SamDonaldson108w.jpg

Television Internatinal Magazine Founder, Al Preiss.
Born in Waseca, Minnesota, Preiss began his career in the newsroom at WCCO-TV in Minneapolis as a sportscaster. He later moved to Los Angeles, where he began teaching television courses at the University of Southern California.
••• It was there, in 1955 when Al Preiss had a vision -- a vision that materialized in 1956, when he and his colleague Sam Donaldson launched TELEvisionFilm Magazine.
••• Both Al and Sam had an honest conviction that, "the television film industry had reached a stage where it needed a national publication that would analyze and put into focus -- the news, issues and problems which particularly concern the production and distribution of film for television.
••• When Al Preiss died in August 1986, the television industry lost an untiring advocate and a giant of a good friend. The tall, wonderfully amiable publisher truly seemed to do it all -- attending nearly every press conference, speech, convention and reception, and was never seen without his trademark clear plastic briefcase. You turned around at these functions and there was Preiss, taking notes, talking animatedly, telling stories, doing his job. One that he not only loved, but felt was necessary and important. He did it all with the help of his charming wife of 25 years, Sylvia, who was editor of the magazine during the years of 1985 and 1986.
••• The controlling interest of the magazine, with all of its archival history was purchased in 1987 by the Cory's.

Contributing Journalists:
Josie Cory, Gary Sunkin, Byan Lukas, Donna Jeffries, Valerie Milano, Peter Allman, Don Butler, Troy Cory-Stubblefield, Barry Seybert, Victor Caballero, Mike Lipman, Gordon Talbott, William Adrian, Ginger Adams, Larry Leverett, Bernard Schwartz, Bob Fisher, Dr. Frank Iezzi, Ph.D., Robin Strausberg, Mark Schaefer, Brad Ashton, Jim Baker, Anika Michalowska, Theo Pirard, Richard Mahler, Bill McCloskey, Bill Peterson, John Chittock, Tony Chiaveillo, Moira Burnett, John Sanders, Mark Trost, Gillian Davies, Jonathan Ames, Peter Knight, Anton van Casteren, Jim Hodgetts, Martin Jackson, Jack Loftus, Peter Warner, Christian Williams, Alex Ben Block, Bob Foster, Seth Goldstein, Bob Marisch, Jefferson Graham, Jack Anderson.


<•••>> tvi-Part-0375x15w.jpg
<><>Trade Shows


115- TradeShows - Festivals - Awards

tviNews Reports
Click ToGo To Show Update

Trade Shows Quarter 2019 

• 115- The SAG Awards
• Click Direct- The SAG Awards

115- The Tournament of Roses Parade
JANUARY 1, 2019
Pasadena, CA
Click Direct- Rose Parade

Click Direct- Golden Globe

JANUARY 8 - 11
Las Vegas, NV,
Click Direct- 115- CES

Critics Choice Awards
Click Direct- 115-Critics Choice Awards ••

JANUARY 22 - 24
Miami Beach, Florida, U.S.A.
Click Direct- NATPE, Miami Beach, FL

Park City, Uah
Click Direct- Sundance Fillm Festival

Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles
Click Direct- • 115- Screen Actors Guild Awards, Jan. 27

Berlin, Germany
Click Direct- Berlinale


• Click Direct- Grammy Awards

• 115- Academy Awards
February 24
Click Direct- • 115- Academy Awards, Feb. 24  

• 115- Mobile World Congress 2019,Barcelona
FEBRUARY 25 - 28
Click Direct- • 115- Mobile World Congress

NAB Show, April 6-11, Las Vegas Convention Ctr.
Click Direct- 115- NAB Show 2019

115- MIP TV
The Global TV and Digital Content Market
APRIL 8 - 11
• Click Direct- Palais Des Festival, Cannes, France

• 115- LA Times Festival of Books, USC Campus
APRIL 13-14
• Click Direct- LA Times Festival of Books

115- Tribeca Film Festival
APRIL 24 - May 5
• Click Direct- Tribeca Film Festival

Click Direct- 101-The 55th Pasadena Showcase House
APRIL 21 - May 19

• Newport Beach Film Festival, April 25 - May 2
• Click Direct- 115- Newport Beach Film Festival

Cannes Film Festival in May 14 - 25
• Click direct- 115- Cannes Film Festival

LA Screenings Independents
InterContinental LA Century City, Beverly Hills
MAY 14th - 17th

Studios Screenings 18 - 24, 2019
• Click Direct- LA Screenings Independents

Digital Hollywood Spring, Skirball Center, LA,
MAY 21 - 23
• Click Direct- 115- Digital Hollywood

SPACE TECH EXPO, Pasadena, CA, May 21 - 22
• Click Direct- 115- Space Tech Expo

• 115- Southern California Journalism Awards
Millennium Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles
• Click Direct-

•115- 22nd Shanghai Int'l Film Festival
JUNE 15 - 24

• Click Direct- www.siff.com/

JUNE 27 - JULY 7
Click Direct- • 115- Munich Film Fest

•115• SIGGRAPH 2019, LA Convention Center
JULY 28 - AUG 1
Click Direct- SIGGRAPH, LA Convention Ctr.,

Newfilmmakers LA, 1139 S. Hill Street, LA

• 115- Mobile World Congress 2019, Los Angeles
OCTOBER 22 to 24
Click Direct- • 115- Mobile World Congress











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TVI Magazine.Com

• California Mailing address:
TVI Magazine, P.O. Box 2473, Universal City, CA 91610-0473
Tel: 1-323-462-1099 / Fax: 1-310-499-7222
Email: tvi@smart90.com

• Nevada Mailing address:
TVI Publishing: 2375 E. Tropicana, Ste. 162, Las Vegas, 89119
Tel: 1-702.798.8778 / Fax: 1-310-499-7222

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