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• 02. SIGN UP
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Genie SignUp
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EasyTel - Q&A
Area Dialing Codes
Smart90Web SignUp
WELCOME TO Genie's Universal Office and the
World of the Wireless Telephone®™©!

- You were referred by the owner of Universal Office Number: 8008457765

Try our service for 30 days for just a DOLLAR, and we'll give you Promotional calling time *FREE!

A risk free 30-day trial for $1.00 (See details below.)

Choose Your Account

Trial Account for $1.00 (See below.)

Permanent Account


Smart90 WebPage Set-Up

$360.00 - Special Promo


S90tv WebPage - Per Yr.

$360.00 - First Year


Total Smart90 Charge


EasyTel Genie Service

Universal Office

PrePaid Calling


Activation Fee


Monthly Fee


Total EasyTel Charge


Total Charge


Promotional Calling Time - Get more than you pay for!
As a signup bonus, we'll give you EXTRA pre-paid calling, as shown in the chart below.

Regular Promotional Credit


Trial Promotional Credit


92. Next we need to know who you are and how you are to be billed:

Your Contact Information

Your First Name

Your Last Name

Your Area Code & Telephone Number

Your E-Mail Address

Your WebPage and Domain Address - (if any)

Total Charge: $80.00

Your Billing Information

Credit Card (no dashes necessary)

Expiration Month

Expiration Year (YY)

Billing Street Address of Credit Card

Billing ZIP of Credit Card

Billing Address Country:

Verification Code

    What is it?

Now, just press the button below to finish the signup process!


(Total Charge: $80.0,0. After you click 'Signup', it may take a few minutes while your credit card is charged, and your Universal Office is being created. You will be notified by Return Emial of your exceptance and your new Local and Toll Free 800 Number.) OR IF YOU WISH - To Sign up for your Universal Office Service By Telephone -
DIALNOW! 702 939-4725 press #8 - to get you started with your own local and Toll Free 800 EasyTel service.

Still not sure . . . you want more answers?
Click -- to find the 10 answers to the most common questions, or call: U.S.: 702 939-4725 press #8 / International: 702.507.1400

- Trial Offer Details

• •You were referred by the owner of Universal Office Number: 8008457765 to receive a ONE YEAR FREE Smart90 WebPage. Our no-risk trial account lets you experience ALL the features of Smart90 WebPage, which includes: Smart90 + and Lookradio.net, for the next 30 days, for ONLY ONE DOLLAR. This is not a limited version of the service, but the full-fledged Smart90 web page service linking your new Smart90 web page to your existing webpage if you wish. But first you must sign-up with EasyTel to receive your Local and 800 telephone number.
• •At the end of the 30 day trial, you don't have to do anything to stay with Smart90 or Genie. Your account will automatically convert to a regular, permanent account, and you will be charged the regular starting total for your service plan.
• •If you choose not to stay, just write, fax or email our customer service office at 702 93904725 or genie@smart90.com. You will pay only the ONE DOLLAR, plus any calling time you used beyond the free credit shown in the table above. (After you click 'Signup', it may take a few minutes while your credit card is charged and your Universal Office is being created. You will be notified by Return Emial of your exceptance and your new Local and Toll Free 800 Number.) Still not sure . . . you want more answers? Click on any of the topics below -- to find the 10 answers to the most common questions, or call: U.S.: 702 939-4725 press #8 / International: 702.507.1400


04 - Related NBS100 Sites.

Genie SignUp
Genie Speed$ Account
How To Use? -
EasyTel - Q&A
Area Dialing Codes
Smart90Web SignUp

Total Charge For Both = $80.00 + $30.00 per month for telephone numbers
GHARGE: Smart90 WebPage Set-Up / $360.00 - Special Promo / N.C.
S90tv WebPage - Per Yr. / $360.00 - First Year / N.C.
EasyTel Genie Service / Universal Office
PrePaid Calling / $25.00
Activation Fee / $25.00
Monthly Fee / $30.00
Total EasyTel Charge = $80.00
Total Charge For Both = $80.00 + $30.00 per month for telephone numbers
We Preserve The Moment

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TAGS: Yes90 tviNews S90/ • Smart90 Web Signup Form 800 Plus "Genie" EasyTel Combo Special Offer- The World is Your Office International Telephone • / Feature Story / • easytel / Smart90, lookradio, nbs100, tvimagazine, vratv, xingtv, Ddiaries, Soulfind, nbstubblefield, congming90, chinaexpo, vralogo, Look Radio, China Expo, Soul Find, s90tv, wifi90, dv90, nbs 100, Josie Cory, Publisher, Troy Cory, ePublisher, Troy Cory-Stubblefield / Kudoads, SinTrends, Sin Trends, Photo Image665, Google Video / YouTube Movies troy cory show duration:medium:free - 4 min - Television With No Borders