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Tesla (1856-1943)
the contents on this page can be used at
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was the Inventor and patent holder of most
of the parts for the AC 60 cycle Generator
- motor before he assigned his rights to
Electric and Manufacturing Company,
American for a reported, $1-million in
July 10, 1856 in
Smiljan, Croatia, and was raised in strict
Christian Orthodox
father, Milutin Tesla, was the
priest of the local parish and his
Djuka was a devout follower of the faith.
He was the second son,
and was one of five
children, having
one brother and three sisters.
Tesla's legacy
can be seen across modern civilization
wherever a land-line high-voltage
electricity utility is connected to a home
or office to power your radio, television
or other ancillary devices plugged into
wall sockets.
Aside from his
work on electric motors that generate
high-voltage currents, Tesla is said to
have contributed in varying degrees to the
fields of robotics, ballistics, computer
science, nuclear physics, theoretical
physics, electromagnetism and dam
The Tesla AC
Generator - motor, induction coil
concept was
first used by the Westinghouse Electric
Company to install the electrical power
turbines in the 1886, Niagara Falls River
Dam Project.
The "Tesla Coil" device is the coil
device that transformed the electrical
power generated by
the Dam's turbine motors being spun
by the hydro water tunnels flowing into
the dam. The
"Tesla Coil" device is a transformer with
an air core that has both its primary and
secondary tuned in resonance.
The induction coils had the ability
to convert high-voltage
electricity into usable AC current that
could be flowed through copper land-lines
from Niagara Falls to light-up Buffalo,
New York, 28 miles away.
Steam or
gasoline engines were substituted to power
the Tesla AC generators in cities not
serviced by dams, or the old mill
Tesla's major
competitors were Marconi, Fessenden,
Alexanderson, Armstrong. Edison and GE
contended that it was an illusionary dream
of Tesla's financial backers that Tesla
could transmit high-voltage
through space
to light-up country towns.
Did Tesla
personally transmit the Wireless Telephony
and Telegraphy Morse Code through space
before Marconi, Stubblefield or Fessenden?
No, but others did by purchasing one of
his AC generators, or pluging their radio
transmitter into a hot wired wall
As the
Stubblefield, Tesla friendship grew,
Stubblefield named his son William Tesla
Stubblefield, born, May 7, 1905. -
For More
from above -Believe
it or not, in the days of Tesla, before
wireless telephony was renamed "Radio,"
the word "phony" -- bothered everyone in
the wireless, especially those in the
motor - electric generator industry like
Tesla, Edison and Westinghouse.
The Smart-Daaf Boys
FOR YEARS 1856 To 1890 -
1856 - Nikola Tesla was born in
Smiljan, Croatia, then part of the
Austro-Hungarian military
on July 10 (in
the Gregorian
June 28 (Julian
calendar; to Milutin Tesla, a
priest of the Orthodox Church, and his
wife Djuka and was
christened by the Serb orthodox priest,
Toma Oklobdija.
He was a Serbian
of Valachian descent.
1862-1866 - attends
elementary school in Smiljan and
- Upon his arrival in the United States,
Tesla becomes Edison's associate, offering
him his diligence and abilities.
However, he
fails to get Edison interested in his
induction motor and other inventions in
the field of polyphase alternating
currents so that, after only a year, these
two great men part company, and after
Edison refused to give him his promised
Section - Nikola
1891 To 1943 - /
1891 - On February 21, 1891,
Tesla publishes his article "Phenomena of
alternate currents of very high frequency"
in Electrical World, Vol. XVII, No.
1891 - A set of experiments, on
what Tesla called "a simpler device" for
the production of electric oscillations,
resulted in the device known today as the
Tesla Coil. A Tesla Coil is a transformer
made up of two parts - a primary and
secondary coil, one inside the other. When
electrically charged the interaction
between the two coils produces a voltage
high enough to make the air conduct
electric currents. Getting the power high
enough to make the air an effective
conductor of currents is key to wireless
transmission of radio
Tesla pursued the application of
his coil technology to radio. By tuning a
coil to a specific frequency he showed
that the radio signal could be greatly
magnified through resonant action.
However, before he was able to fully
demonstrate sending a radio signal 50
miles, his laboratory and equipment were
destroyed in a
Thus, when Marconi made his
famous 1901 Trans-Atlantic transmission,
the power portion of his system was based
on Tesla's findings. In fact, Tesla and
Marconi remained in legal battles for
patent priority even after both men
1891 - On February 4, 1891,
Tesla applies for a patent for the
production of high frequency currents by
means of a condenser discharge.
1891 - On April 24, 1891, Tesla
applies for a patent for a high frequency
1891 - On May 20, 1891, Tesla
gives his famous lecture "Experiments with
alternate currents of very high frequency
and their application to methods of
artificial illumination" before the
American Institute of Electrical
1891 - Tesla becomes a
naturalized citizen of the United States
at the age of 35, on July 30, 1891. He
establishes his 35 South Fifth Avenue
laboratory in New York during this same
year. Later, Tesla would establish his
Houston Street laboratory in New York at
46 E. Houston Street. He lit vacuum tubes
wirelessly at both of the New York
locations, providing evidence for the
potential of wireless power
Journey To Europe
1892-1894 -
Experiments in Radio Technology
1892 -
On February 3, 4, and 19, 1892,
Tesla delivers a series of lectures in
London, before the Association of
Electrical Engineers and the Royal
Society, and in Paris, before
International Association of Electric
Engineers and the French Society of
Physicists, on the subject of "Experiments
with alternate currents of high potential
and high frequency". In these lectures,
Tesla laid the foundations for his ideas
of radio
1892 -
The death of his
mother.Receiving the news of his
mother's illness, Tesla cancels the
lectures planned for March and April in
some other large European cities and, for
the second time since his coming to the
States, visits his homeland, arriving
hours before his mother's death. After her
death, Tesla fell ill. He spent two to
three weeks recuperating in Gospic´
and the village of Tomingaj near Gracac,
Croatia, the birthplace of his mother.
1892 -
May 1892, a visit to Belgrade, the
capital of Serbia, where he was received
as a national hero.
also visits the Croation capital Zagreb
where he gives a
lecture about alternating
being a great inventor Tesla was an
outspoken Serbian patriot. He had never
hidden his patriotic feelings
was proud of his
Croatian motherland and Serbian
1892 - By 1892, Tesla
became aware of what Wilhelm Röntgen
later identified as effects of X-rays.
1892-1894 - Tesla served as the
vice president of the American Institute
of Electrical Engineers (now part of the
1893 - In 1883, the Niagara
Falls Power Company, contracts with George
Westinghouse to design a system to
generate alternating current.
1893 - On February 24 and March
1, 1893, Tesla gives lectures in
Philadelphia before the Franklin Institute
and in St. Louis before the National
Electrical Light Association: "On light
and other high frequency phenomena". In
Philadelphia he presents a more detailed
plan of wireless radio telegraphy,
including antenna-earth link and
resonating electric current circuits.
1896 - The Niagara Falls Power
Company, completes construction of the
giant underground conduits leading to
turbines generating upwards of 100,000
horsepower (75 MW), and were sending power
as far as Buffalo, twenty miles
(32 km) away. The project was
reported to be financed by the J.P.
Morgan, John Jacob Astor IV, and
Vanderbilt Hedge Fund consorium.
1896 - Tesla discovers during
his various Motor - Induction Coil spark
electricity experiments, that he could
generate and develope high frequency and
high potential alternating currents. The
results was the development of the "Tesla
coil." This device is a transformer with
an air core that has both its primary and
secondary tuned in resonance.
1893-1898- From 1893 to 1898, Tesla
protects by patents his various
discoveries in the field of high frequency
currents, including a large number of
oscillators with an ingenious device for
extinguishing the
1894 - In 1894, Tesla erects
his first small radio station in his
laboratory and begins his experiments in
radio technology. At the same time, he
builds his first radio-controlled
1893 - From 1893 to 1895, Tesla
investigated high frequency alternating
currents. He generated AC of one million
volts using a conical Tesla coil and
investigated the skin effect in
conductors, designed tuned circuits,
invented a machine for inducing sleep,
cordless gas discharge lamps, and
transmitted electromagnetic energy without
wires, effectively building the first
radio transmitter.
1893 - In St. Louis, Missouri,
Tesla made a demonstration related to
radio communication. Addressing the
Franklin Institute in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania and the National Electric
Light Association, he described and
demonstrated in detail its principles.
Tesla's demonstrations were written about
widely through various media outlets.
1893 - At the 1893 World's Fair, the
World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago,
Illinois, an international exposition was
held which for the first time devoted a
building to electrical exhibits. It was a
historic event as Tesla and George
Westinghouse introduced visitors to AC
power by using it to illuminate the
Exposition. On display were Tesla's
fluorescent lights and single node bulbs.
Tesla also explained the principles of the
rotating magnetic field and induction
motor by demonstrating how to make an egg
made of copper stand on end in his
demonstration of the device he constructed
known as the "Egg of Columbus."
The successful lighting of the Expo
was then a factor in Westinghouse winning
the contract to install the first
hydroelectric power machinery at Niagara
Falls. All of the enormous motors at the
power station bore Tesla's name and patent
1894 -
Tesla became
very close friends with Mark Twain and
they spent a lot of time together in his
lab and elsewhere. Tesla was also friends
with Robert Underwood Johnson. He had
amicable relations with, among others,
Francis Marion Crawford, Stanford White,
Fritz Lowenstein, George Scherff, and
Kenneth Swezey, but he remained bitter
towards Edison. The day after Edison died
the New York Times contained extensive
coverage of Edison's life, with the only
negative opinion coming from Tesla who was
quoted as saying, "He had no hobby, cared
for no sort of amusement of any kind and
lived in utter disregard of the most
elementary rules of hygiene" and that,
"His method was inefficient in the
extreme, for an immense ground had to be
covered to get anything at all unless
blind chance intervened and, at first, I
was almost a sorry witness of his doings,
knowing that just a little theory and
calculation would have saved him 90 per
cent of the labor. But he had a veritable
contempt for book learning and
mathematical knowledge, trusting himself
entirely to his inventor's instinct and
practical American sense."
1895 -
of Radio Technology
1895 - On March 13, 1895, fire
destroys Tesla's laboratory with the radio
station, the constructed automata, his
first models of induction motors and other
polyphase system devices as well as a
valuable technical
1895 - The hydro-electric
station was commissioned on 20th April
1895 with three water driven alternators
each of 5,000 HP. Although not getting any
financial reward, Tesla was acclaimed for
his inventiveness and feted at dinners
given in his honor.
1895 - Tesla and Edison became
adversaries in part due to Edison's
promotion of direct current (DC) for
electric power distribution over the more
efficient alternating current advocated by
Tesla and Westinghouse. Until Tesla
invented the induction motor, AC 's
advantages for long distance high voltage
transmission were counterbalanced by the
inability to operate motors on AC. As a
result of the "War of Currents," Edison
and Westinghouse were almost bankrupt. 1895 - Tesla in 1895
lost everything when his laboratory went
up in smoke. Friends including M.r Adams,
a banking associate of J.P. Morgan, helped
him set up a new laboratory in Houston
Street, New York with a grant of
It took him two years to
rebuild the radio system from his head,
which he then patented, but was unable to
persuade anyone to invest in his ideas. He
staged an impressive demonstration in
Madison Square Gardens, where he had a
large tank of water on which floated a
boat. He directed its movement by remote
radio control. He even managed to get the
boat to submerge still controlling its
underwater movement. He claimed he could
design a remote controlled submarine
torpedo boat, but the US Navy never took
him up the idea. He was experimenting with
very high voltages for the time, and had
the vision of transmitting power through
the air i.e. without wires. This tended to
give him a bad name with other engineers
and the technical press. They were
uncertain of taking his wild predictions
1896-09 - In his new
laboratory, Tesla continues with his
experiments in a
of Transmission of Electrical Energy using
grounded induction coils.
Granted March 20,1900. - Patent
Filed Sept. 2, 1897, CLICK TO VIEW
radio technology. 1896-1024 -
Stubblefield Patent finling. October 24,
1896. Wireless Telephone Transmission Coil
Patent - United
States Patent No. 600,457, Granted May 8,
1898.Click to Go To US Patent Office -- then
Click Full Text to refresh page. Applie
for: October 24, 1896.
Patent was referred to as the:
Electrolitic Water Battery, the
Electrolitic Oscilating Coil, the
Induction Coil, Earth Battery, Undamped
Transmitting Coils, The Stubblefield's
1896-12 -
- Granted U.S. Patent 0586193, Marconi
"Transmitting Electrical Signals" For
Table Top Morse Code finger operation.
(using Ruhmkorff coil and Morse code key)
filed Dec. 7, 1896, Granted July 13,
1896 - Still experimenting with
resonance in 1896, he created a small
earthquake. This shook buildings in a
radius of a dozen square blocks, so that
the rumbles reached the local police
station, and a squad of policemen was
dispatched to his laboratory. They arrived
there only to find that he had smashed the
offending equipment with a sledgehammer.
At this time Tesla published the complete
description of the Tesla/Thomson coil in
electrical journals (Elect. Review 1896),
which was described as a high frequency,
high voltage (10,000 &endash; 15,000
volts) transformer with no iron core. By
1899 Tesla was running short of money
again and a dangerous situation was
developing with such high voltages wafting
around a confined laboratory.
1897-07 -
- Granted U.S. Patent 0586193, Marconi
"Transmitting Electrical Signals" For
Table Top Morse Code finger operation.
(using Ruhmkorff coil and Morse code key)
filed Dec. 7, 1896, Granted July 13,
1897-09 - PATENT
- Granted 1900.
U.S. Patent 645,
-- 649,621,314 for his basic plans for
induction spark electricity signaling coil
device with resonating electric current
circuits, on September 2, 1897.
System of Transmission of
Electrical Energy.
March 20,1900.
PATENT 1897 - PATENT filing -
1900. Tesla's
Patent 649,621 314Apparatus for
Transmission of Electrical Energy,
Filed Sept. 2, 1897, Granted May
1897 -In the spring
of 1897, near New York, Tesla erects a new
and bigger radio station and sends radio
signals over a distance of more than 40
1897 - Tesla releases Westinghouse
from contract, providing Westinghouse a
break from Tesla's patent royalties.
Westinghouse, buoyed up by this
success and renewed fortune, decided to
put forward a quotation for building a
hydro-electric scheme for the Niagara
River. This idea had been mooted as long
ago as 1886 and a Commission had been
appointed with Lord Kelvin, described as
an eminent British engineer, as the
Chairman and consultant. Westinghouse's
company did not have enough money to build
the scheme, although it had the Tesla AC
patents, so he approached Edison's
company, which was now called General
Electric, an amalgamation of Edison
General Electric and Thomson Houston, who
had the capital with a well-known banker,
J.P. Morgan behind them. But they did not
have the necessary AC polyphase system, so
that a deal was brokered for the two
companies to set about designing a
suitable scheme. They appointed George
Forbes, a Scottish engineer in charge of
the project. 1898 0508 -
Stubblefield Patent Granted. finling.
October 24, 1896. Wireless Telephone
Transmission Coil Patent -
States Patent No. 600,457, Granted May 8,
1898.Click to Go To US Patent Office -- then
Click Full Text to refresh page. Applie
for: October 24, 1896.
ELECTROLYTIC COIL. The Patent was referred
to as the: Electrolitic Water Battery, the
Electrolitic Oscilating Coil, the
Induction Coil, Earth Battery, Undamped
Transmitting Coils, The Stubblefield's
1898 - PATENT -
Patent 613,809 318 Method of and
Apparatus for Controlling Mechanism of
Moving Vessels or Vehicles, Filed July
Granted Nov. 8,
1898 - PATENT
Patent 609,250 Electrical Ignitor
for Gas Engines,Filed Feb. 17,
1897, Granted August 16, 1998. CLICK TO
1898 - In the beginning
of 1898, at a sea-coast near New York,
Tesla conducts his famous experiment
controlling, by radio, the movements of a
boat model out on the sea from the
distance of several
1898 - On July 1, 1898,
Tesla is granted patent 613 809 for his
discoveries underlying radio
1899 - In 1899, in Colorado,
Tesla erects a big, 200 kW radio station
and establishes wireless telegraphy at a
distance of over 1000 km. He conducts
successful experiments with wireless
transmission of larger amounts of electric
power. He achieves frequencies of up to 20
million volts and invents a special
apparatus, the "magnifying"
1900 - In 1900, Tesla
undertakes preparations for the
construction of the World Telegraphy radio
1901-1905 - The
construction of the World Telegraphy
radio-station on Long Island. 1901.
Publication of the prospectus "World
1899 - PATENT
- Tesla's US
Patent 685,955 331 "Apparatus for
Utilizing Effects Transmitted" from a
Distance to a Receiving Device Through
Natural Media" Filed June 24, 1899,
Granted Nov. 1, 1901. 1899 - PATENT
- Tesla's US
Patent 685,953 338 "Method of
Intensifying and Utilizing Effects
Transmitted Through Natural Media" Filed
June 24, 1899, Granted Nov. 5, 1901. 1899 - PATENT
- Tesla's US
Patent 685,954 344 "Method of
Utilizing Effects Transmitted Through
Natural Media" Filed Aug. 1, 1899, Granted
Nov. 5, 1901. 1899 - PATENT
- Tesla's US
Patent 685,956 353 "Apparatus for
Utilizing Effects Transmitted Through
Natural Media" Filed Aug. 1, 1899, Granted
Nov. 1, 1901. 1899 - Tesla moves to
Colorado Springs, Colorado where he would
have room for his high-voltage,
high-frequency experiments.
A friend offered him a piece of
land at Colorado Springs to build a bigger
laboratory. He borrowed some money and set
off for Colorado, leaving his New York
laboratory in the hands of his capable and
loyal assistant, George Scherff. Upon his
arrival he told reporters that he was
conducting wireless telegraphy experiments
transmitting signals from Pikes Peak to
Paris. Tesla's diary contains explanations
of his experiments concerning the
ionosphere and the ground's telluric
currents via transverse waves and
longitudinal waves. At his lab, Tesla
proved that the earth was a conductor, and
he produced artificial lightning (with
discharges consisting of millions of
volts, and up to 135 feet long). Tesla
also investigated atmospheric electricity,
observing lightning signals via his
receivers. Reproductions of Tesla's
receivers and coherer circuits show an
unpredicted level of complexity (e.g.,
distributed high-Q helical resonators,
radio frequency feedback, crude heterodyne
effects, and regeneration techniques).
Tesla stated that he observed stationary
waves during this time. In the Colorado
Springs lab, he "recorded" signals of what
he believed were extraterrestrial radio
signals, though these announcements and
his data were rejected by the scientific
community. He noted measurements of
repetitive signals from his receiver which
are substantially different from the
signals he had noted from storms and earth
1900 - Tesla left Colorado Springs on
January 7, 1900. The lab was torn down and
its contents sold to pay debts. He
had run out of capital again and returned
to New York with the intention of
realising some money on his discoveries.
He patented these ideas and commenced
writing articles in many magazines. He
claimed that would be able to transmit
electricity through the air to customers
providing "free electricity". Another idea
was conducting electricity through the
Earth. He proposed a "World System" of
communications, involving 12 aspects, most
of which have been realized, including a
synchronous motor (AC) for accurate
time-keeping. The main financier of
General Electric, J.P. Morgan, heard of
these outrageous statements and that he
was broke again. Morgan in a surprisingly
altruistic gesture agreed to make a "no
strings attached" gift of $150,000 to get
him off the ground with his World System.
With what he perceived as the complete
backing of Morgan, Tesla set out to build
a large transmitting station at
Wardencliff, Long Island, 60 miles from
New York, but within a year had run out of
money again. He approached Morgan for a
second time, but JPM refused to dole out
any more cash. It is believed that Morgan
considered the new project may have
undermined the thriving electricity
industry, which he controlled.
1900 - with $150,000 (51% from J.
Pierpont Morgan), Tesla began planning the
Wardenclyffe Tower facility. In June 1902,
Tesla's lab operations were moved to
Wardenclyffe from Houston Street. The
tower was finally dismantled for scrap
during wartime. Newspapers of the time
labeled Wardenclyffe "Tesla's
million-dollar folly.".
1900 - PATENT - Tesla's
U.S. Patent 645,576 307 System of
Transmission of Electrical Energy,
Filed Sept. 2, 1897, Granted March
20,1900. - CLICK TO VIEW
- Tesla's U.S. Patent 11,865Method
Of Insulating Electric Conductors,
Granted Oct. 23,
PATENT 1900-10 - Marconi
US Patent 763,772. Marconi "Apparatus for
Wireless Telegraphy" Filed Nov. 10 1900 ,
Issued June 28, 1904. Marconi took out
his famous "four seven's" patent No. 7777
for "tuned or syntonic telegraphy"
1904 U.S. version of the 7777
patent, US patent No. 763,772,
was found to be invalid in a celebrated
1943 Supreme Court
1900 - PATENT
- Tesla's US
Patent 787,412 361 "Art of
Transmitting Electrical Energy Through the
Natural Mediums" Filed May 16, 1900,
Granted April 18, 1905. 1900 - PATENT
- Tesla's US
Patent 723,188 367 "Method of
Signaling" Filed July 16, 1900, Granted
March 17, 1903. 1900 - PATENT
- Tesla's US
Patent 725,605 372 "System of
Signaling" Filed July 16, 1900, Granted
April 14, 1903.
1900 - U.S. Patent 654390,
"Induction-coil" Granted July 24, 1900.
1901 - PATENT -
Patent 685,012 Means for Increasing
the Intensity of Electrical
Oscillation,Filed March 1,
1900, Granted Oct. 22, 1901. CLICK TO
1902 01 - PATENT Filing -
Patent 1,119,732 378Apparatus for
Transmitting Electrical Energy, Filed
Jan. 18, 1902, Granted Dec. 1,
03 - Stubblefield's - Worlds First Ship To
Shore Radio Wireless Telephone Broadcast -
D.C. Demonstration. TESLA ATTENDS. On
March 20, 1902, Stubblefield set up a
demonstration on the Potomac River in
Washington, utilizing his "groundless
antenna" connected to the mast of the
1902 -
Wireless Telephone Company Of America
- Incorporation Papers - Filed In
Prescott, Arizona, on May 22, 1902.
Gehring, Stubblefield And Fennell,
incorporated their new company in the
State of Arizona, 75% of the Collins'
Wireless Telephone Company was given to
Stubblefield, for the patent rights in
1902 -
Wireless Telephone Company Of America
- Incorporation Papers - Filed In
Prescott, Arizona, on May 22, 1902.
Gehring, Stubblefield And Fennell,
incorporated their new company in the
State of Arizona, 75% of the Collins'
Wireless Telephone Company was given to
Stubblefield, for the patent rights in
1902 -
05 -
Stubblefield's - Philadelphia Wireless
Radio Telephone Demonstration -
TESLA ATTENDS On May 30, 1902,
just a little over two months after this
Washington Demonstration, Stubblefield
gave demonstrations of his wireless
telephone in Philadelphia at the Belmont
1902 -
06 -
Stubblefield's Philadelphia Wireless
1902, Stubblefield again demonstrated his
apparatus in Philadelphia. This test took
place on the banks of the Schuylkill
River, from the Belmont Pumping Station To
The Pennsylvania Railroad Bridge, a
distance of about one and one half miles.
-- Miller
1902 -
0611 -
Stubblefield's New York Demonstration
- is held jointly with his Wireless
Telephone Company Of America - to show
case his newly designed arial and speaker
system apparatus In Battery Park, New York
City. What is the Relevancy of
Stubblefield's wireless telephone to the
Internet? In this exhibit, again, one of
the transmitters was connected directly to
the local telephone company's switch board
for mass party-line broadcasting.
1902 - U.S.
Patent 706740, Fessenden
Signaling" (heterodyne principle) Filed
Sept. 20, 1901, Granted August 12,
1902. CLICK
1903 - U.S. Patent RE12115,
Fessenden "Receiver for
Electromagnetic Waves" -- duplicate of
727331 May 5, 1903, reissued May 26, 1903.
1904 - the US Patent Office reversed
its decision and awarded Guglielmo Marconi
the patent for Wireless Telegraphy, and
Tesla began his fight to re-acquire the
signal patent. On his 50th birthday in
1906, Tesla demonstrated his 200 hp (150
kW) 16,000 rpm Bladeless Turbine. During
1910&endash;1911 at the Waterside Power
Station in New York, several of his
bladeless turbine engines were tested at
100&endash;5000 hp.
1905 -
PATENT LAWS - Revised (1905, STATUTE: SEC.
1905 -
May 7th. Nathan Stubblefield and Ada Mae,
name their son William Tesla, after
their friend and collegue. (The boy died
17 months later, - 1906). MORE
1906 - Tesla abandoned
fight to re-acquire the signal patent.
1906 - Another kind friend lent
him some money to develop a bladeless
steam turbine. Within four years Tesla had
produced two turbines, each developing 100
HP. He persuaded GE to let him test them
in their New York power station. He
installed them setting them up in
opposition to each other and thus his
demonstration was poor.
1906 - The Government of
Ontario, Canada votes the Niagra Falls
power transmission operations as a public
controled entity. Electic Power Lines
distributed Niagara's energy to various
parts of that province. Currently between
50% and 75% of the Niagara River's flow is
diverted via four huge tunnels that passes
through hydroelectric turbines that supply
power to nearby areas of the United States
and Canada before returning to the river
well past the Falls. The most powerful
hydroelectric stations on the Niagara
River are Sir Adam Beck 1 and 2 on the
Canadian side, and the Robert Moses
Niagara Power Plant and the Lewiston Pump
Generating Plant on the American side. All
together, Niagara's generating stations
can produce about 4.4 GW of power.
1906- On
December 24, 1906, at 9 P.M. eastern
standard time, Reginald Fessenden, with an
upgraded Alexanderson alternator and with
Alexanderson in attendance, prepared and
performed their first speech
and phonograph music
program from the
Brant Rock station.
The Christmas
Eve Broadcast occurred the same year
Tesla's Westinghouse patent for his
60-cycle electrical AC generator expired.
private broadcast demonstration was
reported to have been received by ships at
sea, with look-a-like GE -- Fessenden
receivers, up and down the coast, inland
some distance in New York State and
Maryland -- and as far away as 100
Ships at sea with a same like receiver,
were said to hear the broadcast that
included Fessenden playing the song O Holy
Night on the violin and reading a passage
from the Bible.
The purported voice broadcast was four
years after Smart Daaf Boy Marconi's Dit
Dah Morse Code signal "S" was heard by
Marconi from England to Newfoundland in
1901, and Stubblefield ship to shore
two-way wireless telephone broadcast in
Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., in
1902. Fessenden attended the
February 28, 1907 - the first Wireless
Telephone company USING the new WORD
0405 - Stubblefield WIRELESS TELEPHONE
Stubblefield's Wireless Telephone Patent
Application Filed Apr. 5, 1907, Serial No.
366,544 -Room 109. The first permanent
wireless telephone broadcasting
installation was in January, 1892. The
station was constructed in Murray,
Kentucky, by Stubblefield's
Teleph-on-del-green Industrial College, on
the campus where Murray State University
is now located, Click
to Go To US Patent Office -- then Click
Full Text to refresh
page. Machine
0512 - PATENT:
Received His All Purpose - Wireless
Telephone Patent, Number
to Go To US Patent Office -- then Click
Full Text to refresh
(Patent Expires May 12, 1925)
1908 - In February 1908, Tesla
signs a contract with American and British
Manufacturing Company and begins
experiments with a new principle of power
transmission from fluids and to
- From 1908 to 1910, Tesla
experiments with pumps, compressors,
blowers and steam and gas turbines.
1913 - In 1913, Tesla is
granted two new patents for a turbine and
a pump constructed on a new
- Following the same principle,
Tesla constructs his speed indicators,
gets patents for them, sells them to
Waltham Watch Company and achieves
commercial success with them.
1914 - Tesla started to exhibit
pronounced symptoms of
obsessive-compulsive disorder in the years
following. He became obsessed with the
number three; he often felt compelled to
walk around a block three times before
entering a building, demanded a stack of
three folded, cloth napkins beside his
plate at every meal, etc. The nature of
OCD was little understood at the time and
no treatments were available, so his
symptoms were considered by some to be
evidence of partial insanity
1914 - PATENT -
Patent 1,119,732 378Granted,
Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical
Energy, Filed Jan. 18, 1902, Granted
Dec. 1,
1914. 1915 - Since the
Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to
Marconi for radio in 1909, Thomas Edison
and Tesla were mentioned as potential
laureates to share the Nobel Prize of 1915
in a press dispatch, leading to one of
several Nobel Prize controversies. Some
sources have claimed that due to their
animosity toward each other neither was
given the award, despite their enormous
scientific contributions, and that each
sought to minimize the other one's
achievements and right to win the award,
that both refused to ever accept the award
if the other received it first, and that
both rejected any possibility of sharing
1915 - In 1915, Tesla filed a
lawsuit against Marconi attempting,
unsuccessfully, to obtain a court
injunction against the claims of
1916 - Tesla filed for
bankruptcy because he owed so much in back
taxes. He was living in poverty. After
Wardenclyffe, Tesla built the Telefunken
Wireless Station in Sayville, Long Island.
Some of what he wanted to achieve at
Wardenclyffe was accomplished with the
Telefunken Wireless.
1917 - In 1917, the Telefunken
Wireless Station facility was seized and
torn down by the Marines, because it was
suspected that it could be used by German
1917 - Tesla, in August 1917,
first establishes principles regarding
frequency and power level for the first
primitive RADAR units.
1917 - Tesla received AIEE's
highest honor, the Edison Medal.
- Dismantling of the tower on Long
1918-1920- Tesla works with Allis
Chalmers Company, a famous manufacturer of
steam turbines, with an aim of making a
commercial success of his own steam
1924 - As Tesla neared his 80th
birthday, the Foundation of the Tesla
Institute was opened in Belgrade,
supported by the Yugoslav Government, who
gave him a honorarium of $7,000 a year.
Today there is a Museum in his honor in
1926 - At his 70th birthday
dinner put on in his honor in New York, he
described his wireless system and, of all
things -- a death ray he had invented! He
claimed his system was capable of
communicating with the planets.
Not only was Tesla a hopeless businessman,
but also he was pretty careless with
money. John O'Neil summed up his problem,
saying that he lacked the personality (and
character) that made possible the securing
of financial returns directly from his
inventions. Throughout most of his life,
he lived in hotels, the Alta Vista at
Colorado Springs, the Waldorf Astoria in
New York, until he was thrown out for not
paying his bills. He moved on from hotel
to hotel, often with other people picking
up the bill behind his back.
1921-1925- From 1921 to 1925,
Tesla works with the Budd Company and
develops new types of automobile engines
for them.
1928-1932- From 1928 to 1932,
Tesla works on material processing
1931 - Time
Magazine put s Tesla on its cover. The
cover caption noted his contribution to
electrical power generation. Tesla
received his last patent in 1928 for an
apparatus for aerial transportation which
was the first instance of VTOL
1931 -
ETHER THEORY DIES - November, 13,
1931. The one-hundredth anniversary of
Clerk Maxwell's birth was marked by the
scientific world "digging a grave for the
theory of a luminiferous ether," but at
the same time honoring Maxwell's
mathematical genius.
1932-1937- Tesla works on the
projects of telegeodynamics and death
1934 - Tesla
wrote to consul Jankovic of his homeland.
The letter contained the message of
gratitude to Mihajlo Pupin who initiated a
donation scheme by which American
companies could support Tesla. Tesla
refused the assistance, and chose to live
by a modest pension received from
Yugoslavia and to continue
1937- Tesla
composed a treatise entitled "The Art of
Projecting Concentrated Non-dispersive
Energy through the Natural Media"
concerning charged particle beams. Tesla
published the document in an attempt
expound on the technical description of a
"superweapon that would put an end to all
war". This treatise of the particle beam
is currently in the Nikola Tesla Museum
archive in Belgrade. It described an open
ended vacuum tube with a gas jet seal that
allowed particles to exit, a method of
charging particles to millions of volts,
and a method of creating and directing
nondispersive particle streams (through
electrostatic repulsion).
1937- Tesla is hit and injured by a
car during one of his regular walks along
the streets of New York. Soon after that,
he is down with pneumonia of which he
never completely
1943 On January 7, 1943,
in New York, Tesla dies of
heart failure alone in a hotel room
at age 87. Despite selling his AC
electricity patents, Tesla was essentially
destitute and died with significant
1943 - Later that year the US
Supreme Court upheld Tesla's patent number
645,576 in effect recognizing him as the
inventor of radio. 1943 - Immediately
after Tesla's death became known, the
Federal Bureau of Investigation instructed
the Office of Alien Property to take
possession of his papers and property,
despite his US citizenship. His safe at
the hotel was also opened. At the time of
his death, Tesla had been continuing work
on the teleforce weapon, or death ray,
that he had unsuccessfully marketed to the
US War Department. It appears that his
proposed death ray was related to his
research into ball lightning and plasma
and was composed of a particle beam
weapon. The U.S. government did not find a
prototype of the device in the safe. After
the FBI was contacted by the War
Department, his papers were declared to be
top secret. The so-called "peace ray"
constitutes a part of some conspiracy
theories as a means of destruction. The
personal effects were seized on the advice
of presidential advisors, and J. Edgar
Hoover declared the case "most secret",
because of the nature of Tesla's
inventions and patents. One document
states that "[he] is reported to
have some 80 trunks in different places
containing transcripts and plans having to
do with his experiments.
1943 - Tesla's family and the
Yugoslav embassy struggled with the
American authorities to gain these items
after his death due to the potential
significance of some of his research.
Eventually, his nephew, Sava Kosanovicú,
got possession of some of his personal
effects which are now housed in the Nikola
Tesla Museum in Belgrade, Serbia.
1943 - Tesla's funeral took
place on January 12, 1943, at the
Cathedral of Saint John the Divine in
Manhattan, New York City. After the
funeral, his body was cremated.
1952 - Tesla did not like to pose for
portraits. He did it only once for
princess Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy, but that
portrait is lost. His wish was to have a
sculpture made by his close friend, Croat,
Ivan Mestrovic, who was at that time in
United States, but he died before getting
a chance to see it. 1952 - The Tesla bronze bust
by Mesrovic is held in the Nikola Tesla
Museum in Belgrade. 1955-1956 - Mestrovic made a
statue placed at the Ruer Boskovic
Institute in Zagreb. This statue was moved
to Nikola Tesla Street in Zagreb's city
centre on the 150th anniversary of Tesla's
birth, with the Ruer Boskovic Institute to
receive a duplicate. 1957 - Tesla's ashes
were taken to Belgrade, Yugoslavia in
1957. The urn was placed in the Nikola
Tesla Museum, where it resides to this
day. 1976 - A bronze statue of
Tesla was placed at Niagara Falls, New
York. A similar statue was also erected in
his hometown of Gospic in 1986. 1977- the Gerlach Hotel,
where he lived and where before the end of
the century he conducted the radio wave
experiments, was renamed The Radio Wave
building, at 49 W 27th St. (between
Broadway and Sixth Avenue), Lower
Manhattan. A commemorative plaque was
placed on the building in 1977 to honor
his work. 2006 - The year of 2006 was
proclaimed by UNESCO, as well as the
governments of Croatia and Serbia, to be
the year of Nikola Tesla. At the 150th
anniversary of Tesla's birth, July 10th
2006, the renovated village of Smiljan
(which had been demolished during the wars
of the 1990s) was opened to the public
along with Tesla's house (as a memorial
museum) and a new multimedia center
dedicated to the life and work of Nikola
Tesla. The parochial church of St. Peter
and Paul, where Tesla's father had held
services, was renovated as well. The
museum and multimedia center are filled
with replicas of Tesla's work. The museum
has collected almost all of the papers
ever published by, and about, Nikola
Tesla, most of these provided by Ljubo
Vujovic from the Tesla Memorial Society in
New York. Alongside Tesla's house, a
monument created by sculptor Mile Blazevic
has been erected. In the nearby city of
Gospic, on the same date as the reopening
of the renovated village and museums, a
higher education school named Nikola Tesla
was opened, and a replica of the statue of
Tesla made by Frano Krsinic (the original
is in Belgrade) was presented.
the years after, many of his innovations,
theories and claims have been used, at
times unsuitably and with some
controversy, to support various fringe
theories that are regarded as
unscientific. Most of Tesla's own work
conformed with the principles and methods
accepted by science, but his extravagant
personality and sometimes unrealistic
claims, combined with his unquestionable
genius, have made him a popular figure
among fringe theorists and believers in
conspiracies about 'hidden
ETHER THEORY DIES - November, 13,
1931. The one-hundredth anniversary of
Clerk Maxwell's birth was marked by the
scientific world "digging a grave for the
theory of a luminiferous ether," but at
the same time honoring Maxwell's
mathematical genius.